​A Fleet in Paris!
​A Diplomacy Zine
Information about
A Fleet in Paris
​A Fleet in Paris is an ezine about the game of Diplomacy. It is edited and published by Richard Young, an administrator on the Dip site PlayDiplomacy.com (see the link at the bottom of the page).

The zine aims to bring together thoughts and ideas about the great game of Diplomacy. It will feature articles about the game, mainly written by members of PlayDip.com, at least to begin with. Hopefully, as the zine expands its readership, more people will volunteer articles. The ultimate aim is, of course, to include as much information about the Hobby as possible.
If you are interested in sending a submission for publication, please see the SUBMISSIONS page.

The current issue of A Fleet in Paris can be downloaded from the HOME page. If you are interested in past issues they can be found on the PAST ISSUES page. Shortly, an Article Bank will be set up from which you will be able to download past articles.

Now, take a look at these.